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Spring Ahead Social Media Campaign Blogging Information

These are questions that new clients need to answer blogging topics.  Please email your answered to Robyn Wood at robyn@webseopros.com.


  1.  What topics would you like your blog to cover?  The more specific the topic you provide, the better we can match your requests.



  1.  What tone of voice would you like the blog to use?  Business formal? Conversational?  Academic?



  1. What other topics are your visitors likely to be interested in that are relevant to your industry?  (For instance, if you have a site that is about fashion, your visitors might also be interested in topics like jewelry or cosmetics.)


  1. Are there things we are not allowed to say?  For instance, are there certain claims we need to be careful to avoid or terminology, brand names, etc. that we shouldn’t use?


  1. Are there any specific calls to action you would like us to focus on?   Should we invite them to visit a specific page or fill out a form?


  1. What sources do you, as an industry professional, turn to for information?   Blogs, RSS feeds, news outlets, etc.  Are there any people that  you follow on Twitter/Facebook/etc.  for industry insight?


  1. Do you have any other input that will help us create a blog that is valuable to you and your site’s visitors?

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