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Google+1 and Google Plus

There is a lot of confusion regarding Google+ 1 and Google Plus.   Google +1 is a voting system you can place on your website.   This was going to be a great ranking factor for Google until it immediately got abused and people found ways around the safeguards Google put up.   It is still around but Google is not using it as a ranking factor.  Just a visual factor on some searches.

Google Plus in a nutshell is Google’s version of Facebook.  In February and March of this year we created an account for every client and placed the keywords on the pages.   They are maintained by our staff.   Any new client automatically gets and account created if they have not gotten one before.   Contact your Social Media Manager for more information or to receive a login!


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Google: "Ranking updates for websites will now be every 90-120 days." -- Matt Cutts

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